Psalms 84:11

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield;

the LORD bestows favour and honour;

no good thing does He withhold

from those whose walk is blameless."

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Monday, January 14, 2008

From Joshua Sim

I had a torn/damaged tendon behind my right knee that cause great pain every time I bent down/squat and got up, so pain that I stopped using my right leg and depended on my left leg to do all the lifting. I consulted the doctor 1 week later, and he confirmed it was a either a torn or over-stretched tendon which will self-heal itself but will take 4 weeks.

I went back home got my family to pray (skye prayed) and in 2 days the pain left! Amazing! I myself was so amazed at that the 4 weeks I had to struggle through became 2 days! PRAISE THE LORD! Indeed God is showing me that HE HEALS supernaturally. There is nothing my God cannot do!

I had some hang-ups on healing, and I've been seeking God on this matter. In the last few months and with this experience, the hang-ups are gone! Glory to God! Praise God!


1 comment:

Daniel said...

Praise God. He does more than heals. The best is yet to come !